Anytime you sign a contract, having it carefully reviewed for the legality and questionable inclusions is usually a good decision. Commercial leases are very expensive potential contracts that deserve the same degree of scrutiny as other contracts a business might...
Month: August 2020
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How can a Chapter 11 bankruptcy protect your business?
You love running your own business, but with the economy as it is today, you’re struggling. Anytime there is a dip or downturn in the economy, it does make it harder to make ends meet because you don’t have as much income coming in. On top of that, your vendors and...
Is your company heading toward bankruptcy?
One of the most difficult things for a business owner to realize is that their company isn’t going to remain solvent. When this happens, there are only a few options that might be viable. They might be able to rework the budget to account for the shortfalls or...